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Strom : Rowan tree

Všetci účastníci »United Kingdom»East Oxford Primary School»Rowan tree

O strome

Druhy :Jarabina vtáčia
Registroval:East Oxford Primary School (United Kingdom)
Lokalita:East Oxford Primary School

Rozmery stromu

Výška:10 m
Obvod :62 cm
Odhadovaný vek :24 rok

Zaznamenané fenofázy

Pučanie 01.04.2010 
Prvé kvety 10.05.2010 
Prvé listy 17.04.2010 
Dozreté plody 31.07.2010 
Začiatok opadu listov 12.10.2010 
Plné sfarbenie 03.11.2010 


  • Berries are ripe JN (2010-07-31)
  • Leaves starting to fall Amazonite class (2010-10-12)
  • All leaves brown or yellow JN (2010-11-03)
  • First flowers JN (2010-05-10)
  • Amazonite class/East Oxford Primary School (2010-10-12)
  • Amazonite class/East Oxford Primary School (2010-10-12)
  • Amazonite class/East Oxford Primary School (2010-10-12)
  • The Rowan tree we are studying JN/East Oxford Primary School (2010-04-19)
  • Amazonite class/East Oxford Primary School (2010-10-12)
  • Amazonite class/East Oxford Primary School (2010-10-12)
  • Budburst JN (2010-04-06)
  • First leaves JN (2010-04-17)