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Z drzewa opadły wszystskie liście (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: Agata (28.05.2014)
Deltaker: Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr1w Terespolu

Drzewo zgubiło wszystkie liście, aby przetrwać niesprzyjający im okres. Zmniejsza się wtedy zapotrzebowanie na wodę. Tkanki magazynują cukry i tłuszcze, dzięki czemu roślina jest uodporniona na niesprzyjające warunki.

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Apaji Általános Iskola fája (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: Természetvédelmi szakkör (14.05.2014)
Deltaker: Dömsödi Széchenyi István Általános Iskola Arany János Általános Iskolája

A jelentés kitöltésekor összegyűjtöttük a fákról az általános tudnivalókat, valamint az iskola udvarán álló vadgesztenye fa jótékony hatásait. Sok más tantárgyból tanult információ is felszínre került.

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TEI (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: CACIULOIU FLORENTINA (24.03.2011)

Linden (Tilia) Description Lime is a tree to 25 m high with a dense crown. Long-petiolate leaves are round, pointed at the top and the underside is seen protruding ribs. Flowers, 2-10 in number, sometimes more, are yellowish white, pleasantly fragrant, arranged on a common stalk, about half the length of connate with bracts long tongue-shaped, yellowish-green. Each flower consists of five sepals that fall when flowering, five petals, numerous stamens and an ovary globose. Coconut fruit is a spherical or oval. Blooms in June and July. It is spread through the forests of the hilly regions up to the mountainous area. Harvesting Lime flowers are collected with the accompanying bracts. It is harvested when most of them are fully blooming, and a small number of buds is under the opening. Harvesting is done during dry weather, after the dew has lifted and 2-3 days after the last rain.

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CASTAN (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: CACIULOIU FLORENTINA (24.03.2011)

Castanea sativa Chestnut in Romania In Romania and in other parts of Europe, the tree is relatively easy to grow both in specialized orchards and on the outskirts or even in the middle of the forest. In orchards, can be grown both in monoculture (only copies of Castanea sativa), as is cultivated mainly in Maramures county or can be combined easily with other fruit species, forming mixed orchards, as is commonly grown in Banat. The tree itself requires a mild climate with sufficient moisture, but not exaggerated. Although originating in a typical Mediterranean climate zone, chestnut and can accommodate two other subclimate at submediteranean type, as in the Banat, or temperate, but moderate in the protected valleys around Baia Mare Maramures . If the climate conditions, and moisture protection, Castanea sativa is growing steadily, being a productive tree that has no "bad years". It is, however, sensitive to late springs, cool and too wet, and too long autumns frosts, rainy and cold. Under forest, where protected trees around it, can better tolerate even moderate shade conditions.

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PLANETA PAMANT INCOTRO? (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: CACIULOIU FLORENTINA (24.03.2011)

Castanea sativa Chestnut in Romania In Romania and in other parts of Europe, the tree is relatively easy to grow both in specialized orchards and on the outskirts or even in the middle of the forest. In orchards, can be grown both in monoculture (only copies of Castanea sativa), as is cultivated mainly in Maramures county or can be combined easily with other fruit species, forming mixed orchards, as is commonly grown in Banat. The tree itself requires a mild climate with sufficient moisture, but not exaggerated. Although originating in a typical Mediterranean climate zone, chestnut and can accommodate two other subclimate at submediteranean type, as in the Banat, or temperate, but moderate in the protected valleys around Baia Mare Maramures . If the climate conditions, and moisture protection, Castanea sativa is growing steadily, being a productive tree that has no "bad years". It is, however, sensitive to late springs, cool and too wet, and too long autumns frosts, rainy and cold. Under forest, where protected trees around it, can better tolerate even moderate shade conditions.

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PLANETA PAMANT INCOTRO? (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: CACIULOIU FLORENTINA (24.03.2011)

Castanea sativa Chestnut in Romania In Romania and in other parts of Europe, the tree is relatively easy to grow both in specialized orchards and on the outskirts or even in the middle of the forest. In orchards, can be grown both in monoculture (only copies of Castanea sativa), as is cultivated mainly in Maramures county or can be combined easily with other fruit species, forming mixed orchards, as is commonly grown in Banat. The tree itself requires a mild climate with sufficient moisture, but not exaggerated. Although originating in a typical Mediterranean climate zone, chestnut and can accommodate two other subclimate at submediteranean type, as in the Banat, or temperate, but moderate in the protected valleys around Baia Mare Maramures . If the climate conditions, and moisture protection, Castanea sativa is growing steadily, being a productive tree that has no "bad years". It is, however, sensitive to late springs, cool and too wet, and too long autumns frosts, rainy and cold. Under forest, where protected trees around it, can better tolerate even moderate shade conditions.

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Sudárka és kérgecske története (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: Makói Általános Iskola tanulói (30.11.2010)
Deltaker: Makói Általános Iskola, Kertvárosi Tagintézmény

A fáink történetében a legérdekesebb tevékenységek a hasznom a fából téma volt - összegyűjtöttük az iskolában és az otthonokban a fából készült tárgyakat: diavetítéses bemutatók, albumok készültek a gyűjtött anyagból. A nyírfa haszna - sok új információt tudtunk meg. A versek, mesék gyűjtése is izgalmas feladat volt - a gyűjtött anyagot albumba rendeztük.

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Kasztanowiec zwyczajny (Last opp aktivitetsrapport)

Skrevet av: Pani Iwona Kowalczewska (13.04.2010)
Deltaker: Zespół Szkół Muzycznych im. Oskara Kolberga w Radomiu

nałożona opaska lepowa, jeden konar odcięty na wysokości 260cm, gniazdo szpaka na wysokości 420cm do której co minutę przylatują ptaki, 7 gałęzi ułamanych i 6 odciętych, obwód (pierśnica) 266cm , 14m wysokości, na drzewie były ptaki i owady : - szpak - gawron - biedronka - mucha - osa - mszyca Na wysokości 3m było rozdzielenie pnia na dwie części

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